Are whole foods better than protein supplements for muscle growth?
Protein shakes (e.g. whey) are rapidly digested and absorbed. This results in a rapid rise of amino acids in blood, which triggers muscle protein synthesis (the process driving muscle adaptations).
However, most dietary protein is consumed as whole foods and as part of mixed meals (e.g. chicken with rice and broccoli). The protein from such meals is digested and absorbed at a slower rate, which is associated with lower, but more prolonged postprandial muscle protein synthesis rates.
Furthermore, some whole foods and mixed meals contain micronutrients which may further increase muscle protein synthesis rates. Likewise, they may contain anti-nutrients that lower protein absorption and increase protein breakdown. Unfortunately, we only have little research these topics.
While it’s clear that different meals and supplements may have different properties, we don’t know if there is a clear winner at this stage.
Go to the next infographic in the protein series:
Gelatin for collagen growth and strength?
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