Does female presence affect testosterone levels in men?
Testosterone is commonly known as the male hormone (females have testosterone as well, but at lower concentrations). Testosterone is associated with certain behaviors, such as being socially dominant, aggressive, and sexually aroused. Because of its association with sexual arousal, it can be speculated that females influence testosterone levels in men.
This study investigated the impact of female presence on male testosterone levels and their risk-taking behavior. Subjects were skateboarders (n=96) and were randomized to show tricks to 1) a male researcher, or 2) an 18-year-old attractive female researcher.
The attractiveness of the female researcher was assessed by 20 independent males who rated her from 1 (very unattractive) to 7 (very attractive). She was rated a 5.6/7 and this was further supported by many informal comments and phone number requests from the skateboarders.
Testosterone levels were 39% higher when the female researcher was present. In addition, the skateboarders were taking greater risks on their tricks (which resulted in more successes, but also more crashes).
The researchers speculate that males take more risks when an attractive female is present, in an attempt to impress her and thereby increase their dating potential. In order to do so, males seem to be willing to accept increased risk at harm.
Testosterone was assessed at a single time point at the end of the experiment. Therefore, the time pattern of the increase in testosterone could not be established ( how fast it goes up, how long it stays elevated after the female leaves, etc).
Go to the next infographic in the hormone series:
Long-term relationships lower testosterone?
This is BS. Only a true Simp would fall for this haha.
Thank you for the constructive feedback
Okay then, time to be around girls all the time and approach them. Increased testosterone levels here I come
So what we’re saying here is that all high school boy’s sports teams should have hot female coaches?
And many cheerleaders.