Happy Valentine’s Day!
Does spending quality time with your partner reduce cardiovascular stress?
It is well-established that social relationships can impact health. Relationship conflicts and divorce have detrimental health effects. On the other hand, social support and marriage can improve heart health.
This study investigated the impact of spending time with your romantic partner just before a stress task on cardiovascular stress. The subjects were 183 healthy adults aged 19-50 years old. Subjects were divided into either a PARTNER or ALONE treatment.
The PARTNER treatment consisted of spending time with your romantic partner. First, a positive relationship experience was discussed for 4 min. Next, a romantic video was watched for 5 min while holding hands. Finally, the partners hugged for 20 sec. Then the partner left. The ALONE treatment just rested alone for 10 min and 20 sec.
Immediately after the treatments, subjects got 2 min to prepare a 3-min speech. This type of assignment typically is stressful, which can be assessed by assessing cardiovascular response.
Subjects in the PARTNER group had lower systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate, during the speech when compared to the ALONE group.
These data suggest that positive interaction with your partner makes you more resistant to stressful events.
In conclusion, spending quality time with a partner may lower your stress response.
Grewen et al, Warm partner contact is related to lower cardiovascular reactivity. Behav et al. 2002
Tag your Valentine to thank them for keeping you healthy!
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