Here’s a selected overview of my main content in 2019:
The Muscle Protein Synthetic Response to Meal Ingestion Following Resistance-Type Exercise
Blood Flow Restriction Only Increases Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis With Exercise
The impact of Pre-sleep Protein Ingestion on the Skeletal Muscle Adaptive Response to Exercise in Humans: an Update
The Intrinsically Labeled Protein Approach Is the Preferred Method to Quantify the Release of Dietary Protein-Derived Amino Acids Into the Circulation
The Glycation Level of Milk Protein Strongly Modulates Post-Prandial Lysine Availability in Humans
- Blog Articles
Don’t be a smart ass. Contribute value and positivity.
Should diets always be calorically matched in studies?
Does increased protein intake help to build more muscle?
- Interviews
Talking muscle protein synthesis with Jacob Schepis
(I’m currently on a no new commitments diet, so I will not do any new interviews. But I will honor those who I’ve committed to)
- Infographics
I posted quite a few evidence-based infographics this year, such as:
Ultra-processed foods cause weight gain
- Videos
How Well Can Plant Protein Build Muscle?
- Thesis
I defended my thesis ‘’Nutrition Tactics to Improve Post-Exercise Recovery”
I’m very proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish in this thesis. I’ve collaborated with some of the biggest names in exercise & sports Nutrition, done multiple original research studies that have been published in high-impact journals and have been able to use some extremely cutting-edge and expensive techniques that are rarely used in other labs. And I hope to keep that momentum going as I’ll continue to work in muscle metabolism research! - FOLLOW ME!
Social media platforms don’t share your posts with all your followers because they want you to pay for that (rolleyes). So you might want to follow me everywhere to increase the chance you’ll see my content. And I have some unique content of each platform. But really: just follow me on all platforms so I can feel good about some social media gains!
Thank you for all the likes, shares, comments, and collabs in 2019. Let’s see what we can produce in 2020!
PS: The photo is from Kasteel de Hooge Vuursche in the Netherlands, where I took part in a panel discussion on sugar.
I wonder, what’s more important for social media gainz : posting frequency or volume 😀
Quality 😉